Michael GARNER

CIA Budget

MANU-2024-03286 Determination 
THEREPG <                                   > Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 7:41 PM;
To: Michael <                               >
Cc: PCRB <                                       >

Hello Michael,

The Prepublication Classification Review Board completed its review of your artwork related to CIA budget numbers, which we received on 3 September 2024. No classified information was identified. Therefore, no changes are required for publication or sharing with others.

. PCRB review does not represent Agency endorsement or verification of this work.

If you add new content, please submit it before sharing and highlight the new language to expedite our review.

. PCRB review does not represent Agency endorsement or verification of this work. 

We appreciate your cooperation with prepublication review. You may reach out to us via                                     with any questions or concerns.


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